I threw in a new compound power lift sequence at the end of this to get my total workload up for the workout session, as doing heavy singles isn't a lot of total poundage moved. The CrossFitters call this one the "Bear Complex"
It works pretty much all the major muscle groups. Boy does it ever wear you out!
Anyway, here are my results from the 1RM testing:
Squat: 225 lbs
(Overhead) Press: 120 lbs (not in one fluid motion, did 115 with good form)
Deadlift: 275 lbs
At my current bodyweight (say 135 lbs), this gives ratios of
Squat: 1.67 x BW
Press: 0.89 (0.85 good form) x BW
Deadlift: 2.04 x BW
The deadlift probably surprised me the most. Getting over the 2xBW threshold was pretty good I think. I had an idea that I could squat 225 though and might have been able to push it further, but I underestimated my starting weights for it and ended up doing too many singles building up.
Comparing these results to strength standards table found here, I'm in between the ranges for intermediate and advanced, but closer to intermediate. Based on this, the goal I am setting for the end of this mission is to hit the advanced level for the press, bench press, squat, and deadlift. I will also practice my technique on the power clean and some other power lifts, but not go heavy on them just yet.
This would put my target 1RM at the following, assuming I finish at a bodyweight of around 140:
Press: 135 lbs (need to increase by 20 lbs)
Bench: 225 lbs (need to increase by ???)
Squat: 300 lbs (need to increase by 75 lbs)
DeadL: 365 lbs (need to increase by 90 lbs)
Out of these, realistically I might only be able to get the Press up to the advanced level, but it gives me something to shoot for. I know I'm going to have to make some jumps in added pounds on my 5x5 training! Gotta push myself!
That's all for today.
So until then,
Get your game face on!
M2 Day 5
Wow! You're really fit. That's cool. Your photos are showing a quick improvement for five days.
Wow Raiden ... that is some great weights you are pushing there ... great job mate.
good job with the 1RM Raiden! Those weights are awesome for your body weight.
Thanks all :D I didn't do my wussy bench press 1RM max, which I'm pretty sure won't be as impressive as the others. But it's not so much what you start out at, it's what you finish at and how much you improve!
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