"The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall." - Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day 70 - Bananas are good

Yesterday, I didn't mention it, but I didn't have my regular post workout meal, which just consists of a simple protein shake and a banana. I like this post workout meal because it hits the basics of what a post workout routine should be, protein, simple carbs quick carbs, and low (almost zero) fat. It's also repeatable, and easy to carry. Well, yesterday I went without and had supper within about 30 min. of finishing my workout. Supper consisted of a basic meal as well, a nice lean top sirloin steak, squash, broccoli, and carrots. It was delicious, and healthy, but wasn't quite the same as my shake and banana on the walk home from the gym.

I mentioned yesterday that my quads were pretty sore from the bike, and I gave them a good workout as well. Today, they were unbelievably sore, and I think they might not have been as bad if I had remembered my banana. Not only did I miss out on those wonderful quick carbs replenishing my muscles, but I missed out on the potassium rich source of nature's candy. Most of us here in North America have no problem getting enough sodium in our diet, but what our muscles also need to fire properly is potassium. Without getting into too much chemistry/biology, these two ions, along with chlorine ions (sodium + chlorine ions = table salt, NaCl) need to be kept in a proper balance for our muscles to contract and fire properly. We sweat out a lot of sodium and potassium when we exercise, and this needs to be replenished. That's why this stuff is often found in sports drinks as well.

Anyway, I made sure I had my banana today. I worked out my lower back and shoulders today. My bent over rows felt really strong and the weights seemed a lot lighter than they did last week. I'm happy with that progress. My shoulders are struggling a bit though, but still coming along.

Well, my membership to the shredder forum that Lilla set up is now pending. I think it's a great idea. Can't wait to start posting there. Sure is nice having all these people along for support!

Today's Pics:

Day 70


Otter Christy said...

Hey, did this just go up? I clicked to comment on Lynda's blog and this window was open and like magic a brand new post. It also can be my weird Internet connection. It's nuts.

1) I completely concur. Bananas are good.
2) You reminded me to visit the shredder unite page.
3) I totally forgot about the Sodium. I'm not getting enough at all, and I'm having some serious muscle issues.
But I eat tons of bananas. I'm living in the jungle practically. lol

Raiden said...

Yeah, you're quick, and I just finished replying to your last comment! I'm never getting to sleep!

Regarding the sodium, do they not put as much in the food where you are now? I know the typical North American diet, with all the convenience foods, most people get about 2-3 times what they need.

Sammy said...

Hello raiden! Hey you're progress is awesome man. Bananas are good! I love them... especially with peanut butter or chocolate hahaha..

Raiden said...

I'm a big fan of the peanut butter on toast topped with banana super combo! Add a protein shake or a egg white omelet and you've got a nice well rounded breakfast!